
Stew Redwine

This particular vintage of Redwine has a distinct creative flavor:

Bright, Complex, and down-to-earthy, an unforgettable blend of performance, brand, advertising history, fun, feels, with a hint of wizardry.

Grown in Kansas City on direct response TV sets and professionally advertising aged to perfection in Southern California, Stew's been helping make the ads work at Oxford Road since the early days of podcasting.

As an intentional transplants to SoCal, Stew and his family happen to agree with the description in Montalvo’s 1610 novel of California; it’s located most closely to Earthly Paradise.

From the beaches, to hikes, to biking around their town, to museums, to demolition derby, they’re always adventuring together.

And the more variety for this Redwine varietal means a little bit better understanding of more people and plenty more ideas to help make the ads work.
